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Stronger Than Before

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Never say die. That’s my motto. I’ve always worked in luxury industries. In my career I built up an impressive repertoire of luxury brands. I developed a precise eye for the perfect details. I loved it: the lights, the style, the exquisite touches. The best the world has to offer. I loved giving unforgettable moments. I adored watching people experience memories that ignite a lifetime. But when I left my job, my life wasn't like that at home.

Then in March 2020 my life catapulted upside down. My abusive relationship ended, in the midst of a global pandemic. I was completely lost and then I lost my job. I found myself in my bedroom again, back at my square one. But this time I was 36, had two kids and a career sliding down the drain. Suddenly, my old, luxury career had lost its sheen. I thought I didn't have time for the finer things in life. I had a lot of work to do. I got to work regaining my freedom right from scratch. I started to empower myself as a single mom. I looked for new jobs and a new home. Slowly but surely, I crept back. Stronger than before, I built a coaching business. Stronger than before, I became a new, better parent. Stronger than before, I emerged with freedom, flexibility and financial independence. And now, luxury is calling me again. But this time, it’s not an experience reserved for the elite. I don’t want to be on the sidelines, looking in.

This time, I’m living the STB lifestyle right with you. STB is luxury for your abundance. Your beautiful, powerful self. STB Jewelry uses only the finest materials, carefully crafted gold and natural diamonds. STB is elegance, inspired confidence. It exudes empowerment and seeps into what makes you stand taller. STB Jewelry is not trinkets, it’s what makes you powerful. It’s adorned, like your assurance adorns you. So luxury pulled me back again. But now I’m stronger than before and looking damn fabulous too. Never say die, for real this time.